Visual Research - Cinematography

WHITE DENIM - Shake Shake Shake from ACIDBIRD on Vimeo.

Music Video for White denim

Visual Music - Amon Tobin music video from 12FRAMES on Vimeo.

Grizzly Bear - While You Wait for the Others from Grandchildren on Vimeo.

MEW Introducing Palace Players from martin de thurah on Vimeo.

Cycle Study from FUMF on Vimeo.

Animatic for Idea 1

This is an animatic of my proposed idea. I have edited it to Gorillaz - O green world which I realise I will not be able to use in my final piece as it is not copyright cleared.

Idea 1 - Family generated energy

This idea is based around my family generating electricity for me. I will cut between 5 members of my family working really hard cycling on an exercise bike to me either boiling a kettle and generally wasting electricity. I am hoping to make the viewer feel sympathy for my family so that if this was happening would they use less energy. It will also signify how much work actually has to go into simple tasks.

BBC's Bang goes the theory

This video is an excerpt from Bang goes the theory special a BBC documentary. In this episode they are trying to generate electricity for a normal household using human power. The power generated from up to 80 cyclists. I watched the full documentary and found it extremely helpful for this project. The show aired in December 2009 and has inspired an idea of mine for this project.