
Founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius at Weimar, Germany, and later located successively at Dessau, Berlin, and Chicago, to develop a functional architecture based on a correlation between creative design and modern industry and science.

the radically simplified forms, the rationality and functionality, and the idea that mass-production was reconcilable with the individual artistic spirit - were already partly developed in Germany before the Bauhaus was founded.

In these works Albers explored an illusion whereby the central square, lying between the inner and outer squares, would subtly take on the hue of its neighbours. He termed this the "interaction of color”

If one says “Red” (the name of a color)
And there are 50 people listening, 
It can be expected that there will be 50 reds in their minds. 
 And one can be sure that all these reds will be very different.

"the thread should speak for itself, that somehow the hand of the artist, the hand of the craftsperson, the hand of the weaver wasn't going to interfere with how the thread wanted to be seen,"

Her weavings are often constructed of both traditional and industrial materials, not hesitating to combine jute, paper, and cellophane, for instance, to startlingly sublime effect.



Bauhaus - Albers

As I was tiring of Lester Beall's simplicity I thought I would challenge myself a bit of a way into the project as this sufficed in the first project as when I tested myself I got a much more accomplished outcome. I looked up Bauhaus on Wikipedia and the first artists in the artists list were Anni Albers and Josef Albers.

Bauhaus Wikipedia:

I then looked them up and was inspired hugely as their work is as relevant to design now as it was ground breaking when the were creating it.

Albers' Site:
Albers' Gallery:


For reasons I can almost understand I fell disappointed today. I can take the blame for being too eager and not being strict to the brief, I went ahead with building a wooden box. It came out lovely as I don't have much experience with woodwork, but I thought I could interperate the brief in a different way. I was hoping to batter up the box and use a chain and padlock to give the whole of the project an authentic feel as if the time capsule had been dug up but I was not allowed to use this box as I just found out.

Rappin' Communists...

I created a communist logo by tracing an image found on google, I thought I would layer it on some brown paper to get an idea what my wrapping paper may look like.

More Beall...

I thought I would carry on the work of Lester Beall as I felt it was an outcome I could possible develop a successful design from. I looked at some of his most famous work for the Rural Electrification Administration and thought I could recreate some of this work in my own style. It's purpose was to raise awareness of the issue concerned and get the rural areas more noticed and included. I thought I could use a recent issue, such as crime and problems with urban youngsters to create an almost opposite effect of Beall's.


After posting the last post it made me look at the mock ups properly and realise that I had incorporated two separate design styles and point behind designs by incorporating the work of Beall with other Russian revolution artwork.

I think I will create a few further ideas for the two styles separately and decide which one I prefer the look of.

Ideas for Posters

I have had a look at some other artists/designers from the same period as Beall and have done a few mock ups in Photoshop for a rough idea for a poster.

American Modernism - Lester Beall

I took a shining to the work of Lester Beall so I have been keen to do some work relating to his and I think I may choose this for my production of a Time Capsule.

Info on Lester Beall on Wikipedia:

A site containing a collection of American Artists (including Beall):

Time Capsule

We have received a new brief following the finishing of the Packaging Yourself Project. The brief entails creating a Time Capsule. To enable me to do so I have to create my own box out of card in which I will need to create 1 A3 poster, portraying the style of a specific designer/artist or design/art movement of my choice. I also have to create a gatefold leaflet with a timeline of any important times in history. I also have to write an essay in which I will use postcards instead of using figure images. Finally I have to create a repeating pattern which i will print on brown paper and this will wrap the box with a piece of string.

Personally I think that this project is very exciting as it gives me a chance to look at a specific time from the past and adapt my personal skills and abilities to mimic a certain style. I think this will help me realise older styles and to incorporate them within newer techniques. Also I think it is good to create a hard copy as this can be lost with modern design as it is all done digitally. I am looking forward to this project to start.