15 Second Film Festival

I have discovered the 15 second film festival which is very helpful as there is a large collection of short films. I have selected the ones I feel are most effective.

This video is quite similar to the Amelie sequence I have looked at, I think it is very effective because it has a comical narrative to it. I used to love drawing on steamed up car windows when I was a kid, I think it's a nice twist that he draws a masterpiece and it isn't realised by his mum.

Lurpak Adverts

Lurpak Ad 1
Lurpak Ad 2
Lurpak Ad 3

Amelie Opening Sequence

Link to Amelie opening sequence

Here is a clip of the opening sequence to the film Amelie, the sound quality is quite poor but I feel it will show the shots nicely enough. In this video the director is introducing the main character in the film, Amelie Poulain. The sequence is set in the main characters childhood, the shots are a collection of things that kids do such as; drawing a face on your hand and speaking with it, peeling PVA off your fingers, playing with dominoes and spinning coins. The sequence isn't a great example of rapid cuts but is a good reference for content and stylistically I think it looks very effective.

Wickes Advert

Link to the Wickes Ad 1
Link to the Wickes Ad 2
Link to the Wickes Ad 3

Here is a selection of adverts for Wickes D.I.Y, I have seen these on T.V and felt it was the sort of thing I would like to film. I really like the use of depth of field through out the campaign as it gives a feeling of quality to the products. These ads are roughly 30 seconds long which is double the time I have for my project. Also within 15 seconds there are only about 15 shots which is quite a few less than I am aiming to shoot. I think although it is not exactly what I will be producing I feel the types of shots used are very effective.

Grey Goose Advert

Link to Grey Goose Advert

This is an ad for Grey Goose Vodka, supposedly the best tasting Vodka (also one of the most expensive). I feel this is an effective example as it is a completely different market and product from the Dexter sequence yet it still has a similar quality. The ad is trying to portray a luxurious feel about the Vodka, this is done by making the film black and white. This gives an elegance to it straight away, also the content of the video is a couple enjoying some time on a boat with oysters. This gives the impression of wealth, which is necessary when drinking this beverage.

Dexter Opening Sequence

Link to Dexter opening sequence

This piece of work id the title sequence for one of my favourite T.V Shows Dexter. The Video was created by Digital Kitchen, a collective who were involved with Offf Oeiras. I was lucky enough to see them on our Lisbon trip and they were very inspiring. I feel this video is very effective as it uses a very small amount of time to get across the fact that he's having breakfast. Also I feel that the video works well as it is very sinister and as Dexter is a serial killer in the show, they have made the individual everyday activities look gruesome and disturbing.

Crash Bang Wallop

We have started our second year with a nice project. The brief that has been set is called Crash Bang Wallop in reference to the speed and dramatics of comic books. We have been set a project in which we have to create a 15 second film using a minimum of 20 shots. The film has to be very fast past and be an every day activity made dramatic. Then add effects from After Effects in post production. We were shown some of last years outcomes and amongst them were; Making Jam on toast, Starting up a Car and getting ready for a gig. I will proceed to research short films to help with my ideas, I will then implement these ideas into a storyboard.