Visual Research

Olivier Beaudoin



Youtube Link

Website Link

Black Heart Gang

The Tale of How

The Tale of How: Making of

Website Link

Japanese Research

Asahi Beer

This ad for Asahi fits my brief perfectly. It has a Handmade look and feel and it also it roughly 30 seconds long. I think this was a bad way to go about researching because this may completely throw me off my idea but it also could help me form a final idea.
USA Website
Asahi Breweries Website

Jon Burgerman

Geoff Mcfetridge

Mcfetridge did the graphics for Beautiful Losers, above is the dvd cover by Mcfetridge.

"Geoff Mcfetridge graphic designer and visual artist based in Los Angeles.

The breadth of Geoff's work covers designs for magazines, posters, t-shirts, textiles, motion graphics and advertising as well as film production. In his most recent work for HP, Geoff created a motion graphics piece about nanotechnology that is embedded withamusing inside jokes that only

nano-scientists will understand. For the rest of us less nano-minded, we can delight in the visual pleasure of his graphics. One of our favorite designs is a pair of high-tops that Geoff designed for nike. The retro-80s high-top is meant to be ripped apart to reveal the messages and graphics beneath." Website Link

Beautiful Losers

This is a film Directed by Aaron Rose.

"BEAUTIFUL LOSERS celebrates the spirit behind one of the most influential cultural moments of a generation

In the early 1990's a loose-knit group of likeminded outsiders found common ground at a little NYC storefront gallery. Rooted in the DIY (do-it-yourself) subcultures of skateboarding, surf, punk, hip hop & graffiti, they made art that reflected the lifestyles they led. Developing their craft with almost no influence from the "establishment" art world, this group, and the subcultures they sprang from, have now become a movement that has been transforming pop culture."
Website Link

Whitney Lee

Whitney Lee is an artist featured in the Handmade Nation film. She creates latch hooked rugs of women, mostly models purveying the "ideal" plastic airbrushed bodies, in an ironic manor. As she was something of a feminist herself.

This is an image of a rug that Whitney Lee created. I think this is an interesting combination of ideas as arts and crafts are often associated with the elderly, this has given a fresh look on the development of this culture. I think that the fact that Lee is using pornography is quite relevant to this project as it porn is often linked with the internet which is digital and Whitney Lee has created a handmade object from something digital. In this project we will be creating something handmade and converting it to a digital outcome so it is the opposite process.

"it has become my mission to create sex-positive images of self-confident women of all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities."
Whitney Lee
Website Link


DIY culture (abbreviation of Do It Yourself) is a broad term that refers to a wide range of elements in non-mainstream society, such as grassroots political and social activism, independent music, art, and film.

Handmade Nation

This is a film by Fayth Levine, who travelled over 19,000 miles across America to document the new wave of craft. She interviewed over 50 artists who are involved in the D.I.Y (do it yourself) movement.

Hand Made

We have received our new brief which is entitled Handmade. The brief is inspired by the recent trend of using handmade, hand drawn and rough elements to design and advertising. Stella Artois is an example in the brief, in which they use 1930's graphics and effects to strengthen the sense that the brand is long standing and has a tradition of quality to the brand. I will have to produce four elements to an advertising campaign for an alcoholic drinks company; A full 30 second advert for television, A version for smart phones or portable devices, A poster design and A billboard design.

There will be three steps in the process of completing this project.

-Working with traditional media
-Incorporating the traditional media into digital space
-Selling the brand information in visual terms

Final Video

Sinister UpDate

Logo work up

Re Shoot!

Trailer Research

Let the right one in


The Shining


Re Shoot?

I'm debating whether or not to re-shoot a different idea, I feel that this idea is a bit stale and my project would benefit much more from a different idea being explored. It could either bring a better outcome from the second shoot or make me feel more strongly about my original idea. I also feel if I don't shoot another idea I may look into making the film more sinister and giving it a twist like the opening sequence of Dexter, which I looked at for my research. I may also be wrong as I know that with design sometimes you get bored of your work if you have been looking at it for a prolonged period of time, especially with video editing and the short space of time having to be filled.