Whitney Lee

Whitney Lee is an artist featured in the Handmade Nation film. She creates latch hooked rugs of women, mostly models purveying the "ideal" plastic airbrushed bodies, in an ironic manor. As she was something of a feminist herself.

This is an image of a rug that Whitney Lee created. I think this is an interesting combination of ideas as arts and crafts are often associated with the elderly, this has given a fresh look on the development of this culture. I think that the fact that Lee is using pornography is quite relevant to this project as it porn is often linked with the internet which is digital and Whitney Lee has created a handmade object from something digital. In this project we will be creating something handmade and converting it to a digital outcome so it is the opposite process.

"it has become my mission to create sex-positive images of self-confident women of all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities."
Whitney Lee
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